I'm a 29-year-old multi-tasking self-taught photographer, web designer, bargain hunter and music nut who splits her time between the metropolitan sprawl of Kansas City, Missouri and the small, stuck-in-time Victorian village of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I enjoy the finer things in life, like the noises my pets make when they're happy, toilets that don't overflow, staying up all night, sleeping all day, and swaying back and forth to the song in my head. When I'm not shooting, you can probably find me with headphones on, updating
Serendipity Media, an ever-changing music website that catalogs my favorite music.
I can be reached at heatheryarnellphotography@yahoo.com.
My eye is drawn to the grandeur of urban decay: abandoned buildings, timeworn cemeteries and centuries-old antique architecture, as well as nature's unending miracles, from the tiny to the tremendous.
Walking down Spring Street, creeping through overgrown areas in chase of dragonflies (even if that sometimes means coming home wearing jeans infested with chiggers and other glorious little hitchhikers), rolling around on the ground with kittens, reaching twelve thousand feet elevation in Rocky Mountain National Park and realizing just how scared of heights I am, standing seaside and hearing the ocean's intimidating roar, hand-feeding giraffe, wandering through old cemeteries with "No One Knows I'm Gone" in my head, winding scenic drives that reveal exactly
why they're called the Smoky Mountains, making new seagull friends, serendipitous discoveries.