Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens is a 915-acre botanical garden located in Kingsville, Missouri. It features 6,000 varieties of plants, with 225,000 plants in seasonal displays. The garden dates to 1948, when the land was purchased by George E. Powell, Sr. Since then, the site has been a dairy farm, a Boy Scout camp, an agricultural and natural resource center, and, since 1988, a botanical garden.
Viceroy butterfly, a Monarch butterfly mimic.
Grasshopper close-up.
A sunflower giving the peace sign.
Painted Lady butterfly; black and yellow garden spider.
A male Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly, showing off both the blue upperside and white underside of his wings.
Halloween Pennant dragonfly.
Stink bug on zinnia flower.
Silvery Checkerspot butterfly.
Orange Sulphur butterfly on flower.
Goatweed Leafwing butterfly on leaf.
Sunflower close-up.
Tawny Emperor butterfly on leaf.
Common Wood Nymph butterfly.
Silver-Spotted Skipper butterfly on flower.
Cloudless Sulphur butterfly on thistle.
Purple aster flower.
Waterfall, pond and lilypads in the island garden.
Corn against a clear, blue autumn sky.
Inchworm on rudbeckia flower.
Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly among thistle.
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